Sunday, 23 February 2014

Week 3 Term 1

Do you know what a paradox is?

A paradox is two words that you wouldn't usually use together... like awfully kind,  and disgustingly yummy.
Click, clap, pop. (New game) Noises coming from everywhere. Then it was like a storm but it was inside of the building because everyone was trying to whistle. 

Now we went to the tangrams. You're probably thinking I am crazy, but tangrams are special puzzles where you make lots of different shapes. I made a candle and it was very hard but I got it done.

Then we did Thinker's Keys and I did the Personal Key. For that we did things like what we love,  and I put animals and sports. Another one was what we are worried about and I put fires and earthquakes. Then Nicola told us to to swap some answers around. I ended up saying that I love fires and earthquakes, and I am worried about sport!

At the end of the day we will do the rebuses and I know one of them.


Neave! :-)

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