Sunday, 16 March 2014


Lorde for example! Oh sorry I am talking about what we did at Enrich today we were talking about who was gifted and I said "Lorde!"

We were doing lots of things about Lorde with Nicola. It was for our scholarly habits because we needed to write the scholarly habits that she used and what ones we used and what ones we needed to work on. I said I needed to work on or use more ofen the multiple perspectives and goal setting. 

My favourite station was the Aurasma one. It was this thing when we had a photo and we scanned it then it made a video. As soon as I get home I am going to get it. The app store is going to be killed with people buying the app.

Our before school pick, in our morning email, was a game called 'blobs'. It was fun.


1 comment:

  1. I will have to go and have a look at that app too Neave. We will have to talk to Mrs Gibbs about getting it at school!!
    Mrs Compton
