Sunday, 6 April 2014

My Perfect School Day

3, 2, 1 Go!! Type, type  as fast as you can. When you play this cool typing programme, you will think it is hard. It is a good typing practise and I am faster at typing now. If it is like a really long word, like intersection, I can type it really fast... like in two seconds (just kidding!)It was link that we got sent in our morning email.

 Just before morning tea we had to create a timetable that promotes different learning styles that we would love more of in our day at school. I want more PE because you need to be fit  and active.
After morning tea I had graphics key and I had to make my perfect school day. I had:

9:00 Roll
9:05 Game
9:30 Silent Reading
10:00 P.E.
10:30 Morning Tea
11:00 Maths 
12:00 Class Book
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Read
1:30 Game
1:45 Ice Skating and Swimming
3:00 HOME

That was my perfect day at school and I would have a disco every fourth week.

That is all from me for this week so stay in school and don't brake yourself.

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