Sunday, 20 October 2013

Tick tock!

Tick tick!!
"Go,"Nicola yelled
Racing the clock Jackson, Pearl, Daniel and I were doing a tech challenge with the rest of the class. Taping the seat together, I was rushing to get it to stay in place. We had 30mins to make a seat for a wooden frog.
 It was a very long process to get a seat to stand up on all four legs because we only got masking tape, newspaper and scissors and the chair had to hold the weight  of the frog. 
"Ahhhh!" the tape was running out and we still had three legs to go but we managed to get them on and it was only because Nicola gave us some more tape and time.
"5 minutes to go," Nicola yelled.
"But I thought that we only had 2 minutes when I last saw?"
"You did only have 2 minutes to go but I gave you 5 more minutes!" Nicola said
"STOP" Nicola yelled. It was time up and we only had three legs on our chair. One of the legs had fallen off because it did not have enough tape on that leg.

Your sincerely


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