Thursday, 7 November 2013

Print, Print, Print

What you doing?

As I print I start to make six perfect lino prints.
Do you know what a lino print is????

For a lino print you will need:
a lino board
paint and 
somewhere to hang it up.

Step 1 
Get a clear photo of something you would like to do and then you print it out and get it in black and white.

Step 2
Colour in the stuff that you want to be black with a dark pencil and then turn it around and put it on its back and use the end of the pencil to rub it on the back. Then it will print and then you take everything out that you want to be white.

Step 3 
You get black paint and put it all over the print and then press the print on the paper and stand on it.

Then if you followed the steps properly it should turn out a bit like this....

To keep you entertained untill next week try to figer these out and I will tall you the answers next week.

Till next week thats all from me:(

Neave :)


  1. Hi Neave!! Shall I tall you the mastake you've made? You've got tall ensted of tell in the last sentince.

    Daniel Fox

  2. Hi Neave now I want to do lino printing. I would just like to point out that you put tall instead of tell. From Jackson F.
